Current FEMA Trainings I've Completed:

  1. IS-00003 Radiological Emergency Management

  2. IS-00008.a Building for the Earthquakes of Tomorrow

  3. IS-00029.a Public Information Officer Awareness

  4. IS-00042 Social Media in Emergency Management

  5. IS-00200.c Basic Incident Command System for Initial Response

  6. IS-00230.d Fundamentals of Emergency Management

  7. IS-00240.b Leadership and Influence

  8. IS-00241.b Decision Making and Problem Solving

  9. IS-00242.b Effective Communication

  10. IS-00293 Mission Assignment Overview

  11. IS-00319.a Tornado Mitigation Basics for Mitigation Staff

  12. IS-00322 Flood Mitigation Basics for Mitigation Staff

  13. IS-00328 Plan Review for Local Mitigation Plans

  14. IS-00368 Including People With Disabilities & Others With Access & Functional Needs in Disaster Operations

  15. IS-00700.b An Introduction to the National Incident Management System

  16. IS-00706 NIMS Intrastate Mutual Aid an Introduction

  17. IS-00822 Fundamentals of Management and Support Coordination of Federal Disaster Operations

  18. IS-02000 National Preparedness Goal and System Overview

  19. IS-02200 Basic Emergency Operations Center Functions

  20. IS-02900.a National Disaster Recovery Framework (NDRF) Overview